
Did you know that a lot of CEO’s aren’t successful? Did you know that the one’s that are are building their success for only a short period of time? Not to mention, did you know that 40% of CEO’s typically last on their jobs for less than two years?

It is a pretty alarming fact especially when you think of people in these high-level positions as someone who would hold on to their jobs for a lot longer.

In this blog post, we want to highlight twelve of the most common reasons why we believe this is. I have personally come to the conclusion that the following are what they are:

  1. The inconsistency of the CEO and at some point their team may feel they lack integrity.
  2. Bridging the gap between strategies and results in the toughest challenge facing the CEO.
  3. The organization doesn’t feel engaged in their business strategy.
  4. They don’t see the bigger picture nor do they understand the market around them.
  5. Groups or divisions misinterpret strategy as it relates to them and goes off in different directions.
  6. CEO’s do not give their employees the ability to think outside of the box and for the most part they are fed ideas from the top that they don’t allow to change.
  7. Failure to follow the budget or pay attention to their financial situation.
  8. Lack of passion for their business, which leads to issues not only today but for the future too.
  9. They take their eyes “off the ball” and are distracted from leading the company. An example of this may be a potential acquisition.
  10. CEO’s often forget to stay connected with their customers. Strategic accounts can feel slighted without the high-level attention that they want.
  11. The CEO’s strategies and ideas don’t stand the test of time. Typically their ideas are not long term enough. They can only be described as short-term goals.
  12. The CEO doesn’t fit the culture of the company, which often leads to the CEO trying to change a successful business culture to that of their own without involving the team!

This list was compiled by me and is based on factual information and my opinion from working in this space. If you should have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know!